All items

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If you do want to know what the status effects do, click here -> Spying Glass.png

Heavy Icon.png
Sinks to the bottom of your bag
Float Icon.png
Rises to the top of your bag
Conductive Icon.png
Allows a Mana Network to pass through
Projectile Icon.png
Ignores Status Spikes.png Spikes.
Pierce Icon.png
Ignores Block.png Block.
Special Icon.png
Cannot be found as loot from enemies or chests, can only be created by items or events.
Temporary Icon.png
The item will be destroyed at the end of the combat.
Moveable Icon.png
Can be dragged rather than clicked to be used. Has special effects depending on where it's dragged.
Alternate Icon.png
Alternate Use
Can be right-clicked to be used in a different way. This can be done outside of combat.

Note: This wiki may not be 100% accurate, especially with characters and recently-changed items.


Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Adjacent and diagonal items remove 1 Status Poison.png Poison to self

Each turn,

Card Type Clothing.png

Card Type Armor.png
Common Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Adjacent footwear gets +1 Block.png Block

For each consumable in this row,
  • +1 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 3 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Baby Key.png
Baby Key
Card Type Key.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

It's just a reskinned key. The horror.

Backpacker Key.png
Backpacker Key
Card Type Key.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

It's another reskinned key. A travesty.

Balloon Sword.png
Balloon Sword
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet Gains:

  • +1 Attack.png Damage
  • -1 Block.png Block
  • This pet floats

Basic Quiver.png
Basic Quiver
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Bows to the right (Directional) get:

  • The first arrow in each row or column this looks at gets +1 Attack.png Damage

Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

  • Can be played over other items

When played,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

When played on a pet,
  • Pet heals 2 HP.png HP

It's a magical fruit!

Boiling Oil.png
Boiling Oil
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Adjacent and diagonal weapons get +1 Status Burn.png Burn this combat
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains: When zombified,

  • +2 Attack.png Damage until used

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
Boomerang Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Projectile Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage

On kill,
  • Adds 1 Energy.png Energy

1 Forge.png
Bottled Honey.png
Bottled Honey
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Adds 7 Status Regen.png Regen to self
  • Adds 3 Status Slow.png Slow to self
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Brass Ring.png
Brass Ring
Card Type Ring.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Adds 1 Attack.png Damage to scratch

1 Forge.png
Building Block.png
Building Block
Card Type Structure.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Special Icon.pngHeavy Icon.png

For each adjacent structure,

  • +1 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • -50% bonus Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
  • Adds 3 Status Spikes.png Spikes to self

1 Forge.png
Canary Arrow.png
Canary Arrow
Card Type Arrow.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Projectile Icon.png

When another arrow is present,

  • -6 Attack.png Damage

For each empty space to the right (Directional),
  • +1.5 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage

1 Forge.png
Chain Knife.png
Chain Knife
Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

2 Forge.png
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

  • 24 uses

When out of uses,
  • This is replaced by a Pearl

On use,
  • +1 to the Energy.png Energy cost this combat

Takes a while to pry open.

Cobalt Katana.png
Cobalt Katana
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Carving.png
Common Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

On summon,
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

2 Forge.png
Cooking Pot Drum.png
Cooking Pot Drum
Card Type Drum.png
Common Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each consumable below,

  • +1 Status Charm.png Charm

Each turn (when active),
  • Adds 2 Status Charm.png Charm to all enemies

On use,
  • This item is activated

Comfy Socks.png
Comfy Socks
Card Type Footwear.png

Card Type Armor.png
Common Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Adjacent footwear get +2 Block.png Block

For each space above this,
  • +0.75 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Copper Blade.png
Copper Blade
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage

On kill,
  • +1 Attack.png Damage this combat

1 Forge.png
Crusader Armor.png
Crusader Armor
Card Type Clothing.png

Card Type Armor.png
Common Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Adjacent shields get +3 Block.png Block this combat
  • Adjacent weapons get +1 Attack.png Damage
  • Clothing items adjacent to this or diagonal to this get -2 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 2 Block.png Block

Crusader Helmet.png
Crusader Helmet
Card Type Helmet.png

Card Type Armor.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Helmets in this row get -1 Block.png Block
  • Adjacent weapons get +1 Attack.png Damage
  • Shields below get +1 Block.png Block

If this is not in the top row,
  • Item is Disabled.png Disabled

Each turn,
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block

Cup Bracelet.png
Cup Bracelet
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each combat,

  • Creates an empty cup in an adjacent empty space above (Directional)

Dreamy Key.png
Dreamy Key
Card Type Key.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

It's yet another reskinned key. By troth.

Card Type Structure.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

For each structure adjacent, diagonal, or 2 spaces away,

  • +0.5 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Enchanted Slingshot.png
Enchanted Slingshot
Card Type Bow.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Arrows 2 spaces away are used

Ethereal Gem.png
Ethereal Gem
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Gem.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Special Icon.png

  • Weapons adjacent to this or diagonal to this or 2 spaces away get +3 Attack.png Damage

When combat ends,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Fencing Sword.png
Fencing Sword
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 3.png

  • -50% Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

When attacked,
  • This item is used

1 Forge.png
Frozen Oil.png
Frozen Oil
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Adjacent and diagonal weapons get +1 Status Freeze.png Freeze this combat
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Head Dome.png
Head Dome
Card Type Helmet.png

Card Type Armor.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

If this is not in the top row,

  • Disabled.png Disabled

Each turn,
  • Adds 5 Block.png Block

When your turn ends,
  • -1 Block.png Block this combat

1 Forge.png
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

When combat ends,

Each combat,
  • Adds 4 Status Slow.png Slow to self

Hot Coals.png
Hot Coals
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each combat,

  • Adds 3 Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • 3 uses

For each adjacent or diagonal consumable,
  • +4 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 3.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage

When an adjacent weapon is used,
  • -1 to the Energy.png Energy cost for this turn

1 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

On use,

  • Deals 3 Attack.png Damage
  • Items this is played on are refreshed and can be used again this turn

1 Forge.png
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • Multiplies Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies by 20%

Left Oven Mitt.png
Left Oven Mitt
Card Type Glove.png

Card Type Armor.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each consumable to the right,

  • +1 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Living Pebble.png
Living Pebble
Card Type Structure.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Projectile Icon.pngHeavy Icon.png

For each adjacent structure,

  • +1 Attack.png Damage

Each turn,
  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

1 Forge.png
Lucky Coin.png
Lucky Coin
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds great Luck.png Luck
  • 1 Gold.png Gold
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Magic Eight Ball.png
Magic Eight Ball
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

  • Can be used 8 times each combat

On use,
  • Adds 2 Block.png Block
  • Adds Luck.png Luck

Outlook good.

Magma Bomb.png
Magma Bomb
Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Projectile Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 8 Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Makeshift Axe.png
Makeshift Axe
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
Flail Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • 20 uses

On use,
  • Deals 9 Attack.png Damage

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Makeshift Shield.png
Makeshift Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • 3 uses

On use,
  • Adds 7 Block.png Block

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Oil Bottle.png
Oil Bottle
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • 3 uses

On use,
  • Creates a random Oil

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Ol' Reliable.png
Ol' Reliable
Card Type Bow.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Fires the first arrow in each row to the right (Directional)

1 Forge.png
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.pngProjectile Icon.png

On use,

  • Removes 100% Block.png Block from enemy

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Carving.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 3 times each turn

On use,
  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

  • 2 uses

On use,
  • Pet heals 2 HP.png HP

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Piano Key.png
Piano Key
Card Type Key.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

It's a reskinned key once more. Perchance.

Pocket Snow.png
Pocket Snow
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Adds 4 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy

Poisoning Oil.png
Poisoning Oil
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Adjacent and diagonal weapons get +1 Status Poison.png Poison this combat
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Power Potion.png
Power Potion
Card Type Potion.png

Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • All weapons get +4 Attack.png Damage for the turn
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Right Oven Mitt.png
Right Oven Mitt
Card Type Glove.png

Card Type Armor.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each consumable to the left,

  • +1 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Rolling Pin.png
Rolling Pin
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Common Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Can be used 1 time each turn

For each consumable in this column (Directional),
  • +1 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

1 Forge.png
Rusty Nail.png
Rusty Nail
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Adds 1 Status Poison.png Poison to enemy
  • Adds 1 Status Weak.png Weak to enemy

1 Forge.png
Sawed Off Sword.png
Sawed Off Sword
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Carving.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage
  • +16 Attack.png Damage this turn (does not stack)

1 Forge.png
Sawtooth Knife.png
Sawtooth Knife
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Can be used 1 time each turn

For each adjacent weapon,
  • +2 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage

1 Forge.png
Shiny Rock.png
Shiny Rock
Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each combat,

  • Adjacent weapons get +2 Attack.png Damage this turn

Shot-Put Ball.png
Shot-Put Ball
Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Deals 26 Attack.png Damage

Singed Standard.png
Singed Standard
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Conductive Icon.png

When Mana.png Mana flows through,

  • Adds 2 Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies
  • Disabled.png Disabled for this turn

Slice and Dice.png
Slice and Dice
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • 6 uses

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage
  • Permanent +2 Attack.png Damage

When out of uses,
  • Permanent -12 Attack.png Damage
  • Refresh uses

1 Forge.png
Slick Oil.png
Slick Oil
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Adjacent and diagonal weapons get +1 Attack.png Damage this combat
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Slowing Oil.png
Slowing Oil
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Adjacent and diagonal weapons get +1 Status Slow.png Slow this combat
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Steel Buckler.png
Steel Buckler
Card Type Shield.png
Common Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds 6 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • This item is used

1 Forge.png
Stone Tablet.png
Stone Tablet
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Conductive Icon.png

When Mana.png Mana flows through,

  • Adds 4 Block.png Block
  • -1 Block.png Block this turn

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Pierce Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Deals 11 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Throwing Cards.png
Throwing Cards
Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • Can be used 3 times each combat

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

1 Forge.png
Thunder Bolt.png
Thunder Bolt
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Special Icon.pngProjectile Icon.pngConductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

Each turn,
  • This item is used

When combat ends,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds 3 Status Burn.png Burn to enemy

1 Forge.png
U.S.Key. Stick.png
U.S.Key. Stick
Card Type Key.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

A final reskinned key, good golly!

Weakening Oil.png
Weakening Oil
Card Type Consumable.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Adjacent and diagonal weapons get +1 Status Weak.png Weak this combat
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Whacking Pan.png
Whacking Pan
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Common Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each consumable above,

  • +1 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage

1 Forge.png
Wish Bone.png
Wish Bone
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains: When combat ends,

  • Adds Luck.png Luck

Wrist Bow.png
Wrist Bow
Card Type Bow.png
Common Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Fires the first arrow in each row to the right (Directional)


Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Almond Dagger
Card Type Shield.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Carving.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 2 Block.png Block

When a shield is summoned,
  • +1 Attack.png Damage this combat

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

2 Forge.png
Amphibian Tears.png
Amphibian Tears
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Conductive Icon.png

On take Attack.png Damage,

  • Adds 3 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network

Ancient Armor.png
Ancient Armor
Card Type Clothing.png

Card Type Armor.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • Adds 5 Block.png Block
  • Adds 2 Status Spikes.png Spikes to self
  • Removes 3 Status Poison.png Poison from self

1 Forge.png
Archer Cap.png
Archer Cap
Card Type Helmet.png

Card Type Armor.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Arrows below get +1 Attack.png Damage

For each arrow below,
  • +2 Block.png Block

If this is not in the top row,
  • Item is Disabled.png Disabled

Each turn,
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Card Type Fish.png

Card Type Consumable.png

Card Type Bow.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Fires all arrows to the right (Directional)
  • Adds 3 Status Regen.png Regen to self
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Deals 20 Attack.png Damage

On kill,
  • Can be used again

2 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 8 Attack.png Damage
  • Fires the first arrow in each row to the left (Directional)
  • +1 to the Energy.png Energy cost for this turn

1 Forge.png
Ball and Chain.png
Ball and Chain
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Heavy Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 24 Attack.png Damage

Each turn,
  • Adds 2 Status Slow.png Slow to self

2 Forge.png
Bandages Carving
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Carving.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On summon,

  • Adds 3 Status Regen.png Regen to self

When combat ends,
  • Heals 4 HP.png HP

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

Battle Necklace.png
Battle Necklace
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each combat,

  • Adds 3 Status Rage.png Rage to self

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 3 Attack.png Damage

When an adjacent bow is used,
  • This item is used

1 Forge.png
Card Type Structure.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

For each structure below (Directional),

  • +2 Block.png Block

For each structure above (Directional),
  • +2 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Bear Trap
Card Type Carving.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On take Attack.png Damage,

  • Deals 17 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
  • This carving is discarded

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

1 Forge.png
Bejeweled Arrow.png
Bejeweled Arrow
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Arrow.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Conductive Icon.pngProjectile Icon.png

For each empty space to the right (Directional),

  • +1 Attack.png Damage

For each adjacent or diagonal gem,
  • +3 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Blade of Grass
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Carving.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Deals 13 Attack.png DamageWhen a carving is summoned,
  • This item is refreshed and can be used again this combat

2 Forge.png
Blazing Idol.png
Blazing Idol
Card Type Structure.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each adjacent structure,

  • +2 Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies
  • -1 Status Burn.png Burn to self

Each combat,
  • Adds 4 Status Burn.png Burn to self
  • Adds 0 Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies

Blended Brew
Card Type Potion.png

Card Type Consumable.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • 6 uses

On use,
  • Swaps all Status Rage.png Rage and Status Haste.png Haste on self.
  • Adds 1 Status Rage.png Rage to self

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

  • Items adjacent to this get +25% bonus Status Burn.png Burn

{{Additem|Bling Sling|Weapon|Uncommon|1x2|Gold Cost 1|Purse Tote Cr-8 Satchel Pochette|Projectile|2|

  • Can be used 2 times each combat|On use,
  • Deals 18 Attack.png Damage
Can of Beans.png
Can of Beans
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains: On summon,

  • Creates a Bean over self

Caring Totem
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Each turn,

  • If there is an empty space above, creates a random totem

On use,
  • Uses each totem in this column
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Card Type Shield.png

Card Type Carving.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png
Gold Cost 1.png

On summon,

  • Adds 13 Block.png Block
  • This carving is banished

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each combat,

  • Consumables adjacent to this get +1 Status Regen.png Regen

Cast Iron Skillet.png
Cast Iron Skillet
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

For each consumable above,

  • +1 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

Castle Wall.png
Castle Wall
Card Type Structure.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x4 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

  • Can be used 2 times each combat

On use,
  • Deals 18 Attack.png Damage

1 Forge.png
Charged Totem
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Each combat,

  • If there is an empty space above, creates a charged totem

On use,
  • Adds 3 Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies
  • Uses each totem in this column

Bomb.png Destroyed

Chariot Cleaver
Card Type Cleaver.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Moves in the direction this is facing
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

When this finishes moving,
  • All adjacent and diagonal cleavers are used

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Chef's Staff.png
Chef's Staff
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 1 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network
  • Adjacent consumables get +3 Status Regen.png Regen this turn

Card Type Shield.png

Card Type Carving.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On summon,

  • Draw 2 carvings
  • Adds 4 Block.png Block

Ooooh, I wonder what's inside?
Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

1 Forge.png
Cleaver of Fortune
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • This is rotated
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage
  • Uses the first cleaver this is pointed at twice

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Comfy Blanket.png
Comfy Blanket
Card Type Clothing.png

Card Type Armor.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each combat,

  • Removes 1 Energy.png Energy
  • Adds 4 Status Regen.png Regen

Each turn,
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block

2 Forge.png
Concealed Shield.png
Concealed Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Adds 14 Block.png Block

On take Attack.png Damage,
  • This item is used

2 Forge.png
Cone Collar.png
Cone Collar
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • +2 Block.png Block
  • -4 Attack.png Damage

Debt Shark
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

Special Icon.png

  • Permanently Anchor.png Anchored

When destroyed without paying,
  • Lose 10 HP.png HP
  • Lose 10 Gold.png Gold

On use,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Nice try punk, that's gonna cost you
Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

Deck of Cleavers
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 2 times each combat

On use,
  • Adds 1 Status Dodge.png Dodge to self

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • This item can be used 1 time each turn

When another weapon is present,
  • +1 Energy.png Energy cost

On use,
  • Deals 9 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Card Type Consumable.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

On use,

  • Pet gets Status Zombie.png Zombie
  • Pet gets 5 Status Poison.png Poison
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

3 Forge.png
Emperor Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 3 Attack.png Damage

When an adjacent cleaver is used,
  • This is used

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Empress Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 3 Attack.png Damage

When a diagonal cleaver is used,
  • This is used

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Enchanted Banner.png
Enchanted Banner
Card Type Structure.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Float Icon.png

For each adjacent or diagonal structure,

  • Gets +0.25 to Mana.png Mana

When your turn ends,
  • Adds 0 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 2 times each turn

On use,
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage

When your turn ends,
  • -4 Attack.png Damage this combat (doesn't stack)

Feather Duster.png
Feather Duster
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • Adjacent weapons get +1 Attack.png Damage

Frozen Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds 15 Block.png Block
  • Adds 1 Status Freeze.png Freeze to self

2 Forge.png
Giant Broccoli.png
Giant Broccoli
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains: When your turn ends,

  • +1 Block.png Block this combat

Giant Tomato.png
Giant Tomato
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains: When Status Zombie.png Zombiefied,

  • This item gets +1 Block.png Block until no longer Status Zombie.png Zombiefied

Greedy Totem
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Gold Cost 3.png

Each Combat,

  • Creates a Greedy Totem in a top space
  • Get 1 Gold.png Gold

On use,
  • Deals 12 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
  • Uses each totem in this column
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Hangman Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage
  • Cleavers two spaces away are used

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On kill,
  • Creates a fish in this row

On use,
  • Deals 10 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

1 Forge.png
Heavy Arrow
Card Type Arrow.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.pngProjectile Icon.png

For each empty space to the right (Directional),

  • +0.5 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage

1 Forge.png
Helix Carving
Card Type Manastone.png

Card Type Carving.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

  • This manastone has a capacity of 5 Mana.png Mana

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

1 Forge.png
Herb Garden
Card Type Ingredient.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • Create an herb in an adjacent empty space above (Directional)

Hot Sauce Cocktail
Card Type Consumable.png

Card Type Carving.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds 5 Status Rage.png Rage to self
  • This carving is banished

Ice Cube Tray
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Creates 12 Ice Cubes
  • Adds 16 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy

Ice Dagger
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 5 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy
  • This item gets -1 Status Freeze.png Freeze this combat

2 Forge.png
Ice Pick
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Deals 1 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 1 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy

1 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn
  • -50% bonus Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
  • Adds 1 Status Spikes.png Spikes to self

2 Forge.png
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Gold Cost 1.png

On use,

Key Ring.png
Key Ring
Card Type Key.png

Card Type Ring.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Keys diagonal to this or keys adjacent to this get +1 Attack.png Damage

When Bomb.png Destroyed,
  • Creates a key

Key Shiv.png
Key Shiv
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On kill (non-summon),
  • Creates a key

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

3 Forge.png
Card Type Consumable.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

When played on pet,

  • Both the pet and Pochette heal 7 HP.png HP

On use,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

Knight Leggings.png
Knight Leggings
Card Type Armor.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Adjacent and diagonal clothing and footwear give +1 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 6 Block.png Block

2 Forge.png
Lightning in a Jar.png
Lightning in a Jar
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

Lint Roller.png
Lint Roller
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • Adjacent weapons deal +1 Attack.png Damage
  • This pet gets -1 Attack.png Damage
  • This pet gets -1 Block.png Block

Living Plinth.png
Living Plinth
Card Type Structure.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

  • Structures above get +1 Attack.png Damage

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block to all enemies

1 Forge.png
Living Rockpile.png
Living Rockpile
Card Type Structure.png
Common Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Projectile Icon.pngHeavy Icon.png

For each adjacent or diagonal structure,

  • +1 Attack.png Damage

Each turn,
  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

United in their desire to kill. Still hardly a fraction of their true power, but aggressive nonetheless

1 Forge.png
Loan Shark
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

Special Icon.png

  • Permanently Anchor.png Anchored

When added to your backpack for the first time,
  • Gain 20 Gold.png Gold

On use,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Long Arrow
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Arrow.png
Uncommon Tag.png
3x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Projectile Icon.png

For each empty space to the right (Directional),

  • +2 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Love Wand.png
Love Wand
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png
Uncommon Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 2 Status Regen.png Regen to everyone

Lover Cleavers
Card Type Cleaver.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
Wings Shape.png
No Cost.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage
  • The above (Directional) cleaver is used

Arcane Cleaver

2 Forge.png
Lucky Horseshoe
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each space above this,

  • Adds more Luck.png Luck

When combat ends,
  • Adds great Luck.png Luck

Masking Tape
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • All effects applied to this are passed to adjacent items for the combat

Mini Pan
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each consumable above,

  • +2 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

On kill,
  • This item is refreshed and can be used again this turn

2 Forge.png
Minuteman Blade
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage

Each combat,
  • Deals 12 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

2 Forge.png
Mochi Pounder
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
Flail Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage
  • Consumables adjacent to this get +7 Block.png Block this turn

2 Forge.png
Moon Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.pngProjectile Icon.png

  • Connected cleavers become a projectile

On use,
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Muck Bucket
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Heavy Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

  • Items adjacent to this or diagonal to this get +100% bonus Luck.png Luck

When combat ends,
  • Adds Luck.png Luck

Oil Press
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
Press Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Heavy Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Creates a random Oil in this row

When an item in this column is Bomb.png Destroyed,
  • This item is refreshed and can be used again this combat

Pages from the Spire
Card Type Book.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 1 Status Freeze.png Freeze to self
  • Adds 3 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network

Piece de Resistance.png
Piece de Resistance
Card Type Structure.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

If there is an adjacent structure below (Directional) this,

  • Shields in this row get +2 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x4 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage
  • -7 Attack.png Damage this combat

When your turn ends,
  • +7 Attack.png Damage this combat

3 Forge.png
Prickly Pear
Card Type Consumable.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

On use,

  • Adds 8 Status Spikes.png Spikes to pet
  • Pet heals 3 HP.png HP
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

1 Forge.png
Rain Stick.png
Rain Stick
Card Type Instrument.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 5 Status Charm.png Charm to enemy

1 Forge.png
Card Type Footwear.png

Card Type Armor.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each space above this,

  • +0.75 Block.png Block

Each combat,
  • Adds 1 Energy.png Energy

1 Forge.png
Scratching Post.png
Scratching Post
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains: On scratch,

  • +1 Attack.png Damage this combat

Shield Extension
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Adjacent shield below (Directional) gets +2 Block.png Block

Shielding Module
Card Type Component.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 2 times each turn

On use,
  • Shields above (Directional) get +1 Block.png Block this turn
  • Shields above (Directional) get +2 Block.png Block until used

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 2 times each turn

On use,
  • Deals 9 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Card Type Bow.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 2 times each turn

On use,
  • Fires all arrows in each row to the right (Directional)

3 Forge.png
Silver Buckle
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Weapons in this row get +50% bonus Attack.png Damage

Weapons in this row get this effect applied:
  • On use, Disabled.png Disabled for the rest of combat

3 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each enemy,

  • +2 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 1 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

1 Forge.png
Sludge Hammer
Card Type Hammer.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn
  • Hammers 2 spaces away get +1 Attack.png Damage

When combat ends,
  • Creates a Sludge Hammer in your backpack

On use,
  • Deals 1 Attack.png Damage

1 Forge.png
Snow Globe
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Adds 6 Status Slow.png Slow to enemy
  • Adds 4 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy
  • +1 Energy.png Energy cost for this combat

Stars Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.pngConductive Icon.png

  • Connected cleavers gain conductive

On use,
  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Steel Shotel.png
Steel Shotel
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
Shotel Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each adjacent armor,

  • +1 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 9 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Sun Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.pngPierce Icon.png

  • Connected cleavers gain piercing

On use,
  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Swinging Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds 8 Block.png Block
  • +2 Block.png Block this turn

2 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x4 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 11 Attack.png Damage

When an adjacent shield is used,
  • This item gets +100% bonus Attack.png Damage until used

2 Forge.png
Tengu Arrow
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Arrow.png
Uncommon Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pierce Icon.pngProjectile Icon.png

For each empty space to the right (Directional),

  • +1.5 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

If you have any armor,
  • -14 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 20 Attack.png Damage

3 Forge.png
Tooth and Nail
Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

When a diagonal weapon is used,

  • Adds 1 Status Spikes.png Spikes

Card Type Gem.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Hammers adjacent to this get +3 Attack.png Damage

Toy Boomerang.png
Toy Boomerang
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Treat.png
Uncommon Tag.png
Boomerang Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • +1 Attack.png Damage

Pet gains: On kill,
  • Adds 1 Energy.png Energy

Card Type Weapon.png
Uncommon Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Pierce Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Deals 11 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Wand of Buttering.png
Wand of Buttering
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png
Uncommon Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Consumables adjacent to this get +1 Status Regen.png Regen this turn


Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Acid Blood.png
Acid Blood
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

On take Attack.png Damage,

  • Adds 4 Status Poison.png Poison to enemy
  • Multiplies Status Poison.png Poison to all enemeies by 50%

Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

On take Attack.png Damage,

  • Adds 3 Status Rage.png Rage to self
  • Adds 3 Status Haste.png Haste to self

Assassin's Toolkit.png
Assassin's Toolkit
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 3.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Adds 4 Status Poison.png Poison to all enemeies
  • Multiplies Status Poison.png Poison to all enemeies by 200%

Assault Axe
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 8 Attack.png Damage

When this is pushed,
  • +4 Attack.png Damage this combat

3 Forge.png
Ballistic Shield.png
Ballistic Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Projectile Icon.png

For each adjacent item,

  • This item gets +8 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

For each adjacent space,
  • +1.5 Block.png Block

On use,
  • Adds 2 Block.png Block
  • Bomb.png Destroy adjacent items

3 Forge.png
Bandaged Shield.png
Bandaged Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Adds 2 Block.png Block

When attacked,
  • +2 Block.png Block until use

2 Forge.png
Card Type Instrument.png
Rare Tag.png
1x4 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds 8 Status Charm.png Charm to enemy
  • +1 to Status Charm.png Charm this turn

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

3 Forge.png
Battle Banner.png
Battle Banner
Card Type Structure.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Float Icon.png

For each adjacent and diagonal structure,

  • +0.5 to Status Rage.png Rage

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Status Rage.png Rage to self

1 Forge.png
Battle Hand.png
Battle Hand
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Adds 0 Attack.png Damage to scratch

On use,
  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage

On Kill,
  • Permanently adds +1 Attack.png Damage to scratch
  • Permanent -1 Attack.png Damage

They've gotta hand it to you, they didn't think you'd be so well armed
2 Forge.png
Bean Slinging Staff.png
Bean Slinging Staff
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

  • Can be used 6 times each combat

On use,
  • Creates a Bean
  • Adds 2 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network

Card Type Wand.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Projectile Icon.pngConductive Icon.png

For each adjacent gem,

  • +2 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 3 Attack.png Damage

3 Forge.png
Bee Plush.png
Bee Plush
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains: Each turn,

  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage to all enemies\Did you know bees are capable of basic math? Who knew!

Bitty Buckler.png
Bitty Buckler
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains: On use,

More of a frisbee than anything
Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

Block Box
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Create a Building Block
  • +1 Energy.png Energy cost for this turn

Make a house on the go

Blood Bomb.png
Blood Bomb
Card Type Wand.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Projectile Icon.pngConductive Icon.png

When a weapon kills an enemy,

  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

On use,
  • +6 Attack.png Damage this turn

3 Forge.png
Card Type Consumable.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

On use,

  • Pet heals 999 HP.png HP
  • Adds 999 Block.png Block to pet
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

Brick Crusher.png
Brick Crusher
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Structure.png
Rare Tag.png
Pickaxe Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Heavy Icon.png

For each structure below,

  • +2 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 9 Attack.png Damage

4 Forge.png
Broken Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • +2 Block.png Block per space occupied by items between the shield

On use,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

3 Forge.png
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • Adjacent weapons get +2 Attack.png Damage

Butterfly Charm.png
Butterfly Charm
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • +1 Energy.png Energy

When your turn ends,
  • Removes 50% of all Block.png Block on self

On take Attack.png Damage,
  • Disabled.png Disabled for the rest of this combat

Light and beautiful, but fragile

Cement Shoes.png
Cement Shoes
Card Type Structure.png

Card Type Footwear.png

Card Type Armor.png
Rare Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

For each structure above,

  • +0.5 Block.png Block

For each space above this,
  • +1 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Clash Cymbals.png
Clash Cymbals
Card Type Drum.png
Rare Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Each turn (when active),

  • Adds 5 Status Charm.png Charm to all enemies
  • -2 to Status Charm.png Charm

On use,
  • This item is activated

Each turn,
  • +2 to Status Charm.png Charm

Cleaver Booster Pack
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

Cleric Robes.png
Cleric Robes
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Clothing.png

Card Type Armor.png

Card Type Manastone.png
Rare Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Conductive Icon.png

  • This manastone has a capacity of 3 Mana.png Mana
  • Wands connected to this get +1 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 4 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Cog Buckler
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

For each connected shield,

  • +2 Block.png Block

On use,
  • Adds 5 Block.png Block

2 Forge.png
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • +2 Attack.png Damage
  • +2 Block.png Block

Other pets get:
  • -2 Attack.png Damage
  • -2 Block.png Block

Combo Breaker.png
Combo Breaker
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 3 times each turn

On use,
  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

When out of uses,
  • Deals 20 Attack.png Damage
  • This item is refreshed and can be used again this turn

Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat
  • All items heal -50% HP.png HP

On use,
  • Adds 2 Status Poison.png Poison to all enemies
  • Multiplies Status Poison.png Poison to enemy by 150%
  • Multiplies Status Poison.png Poison on self by 150%

2 Forge.png
Courageous Aspis
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds 4 Block.png Block
  • +1 Block.png Block this combat

3 Forge.png
Death Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage

On death,
  • Heals 1 HP.png HP
  • All cleavers are used
  • Disabled.png Disabled for 6 combats

Arcane Cleaver

2 Forge.png
Devouring Urn
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

On use,

  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
  • +2 Attack.png Damage this combat

When an item in this row or column is Bomb.png Destroyed,
  • This item is used

3 Forge.png
Dodge Roll
Card Type Consumable.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • 4 uses

On use,
  • Adds 1 Status Dodge.png Dodge to self
  • Adds 10 Block.png Block

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Dual Shields
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 2 times each turn

On use,
  • Adds 7 Block.png Block

When out of uses,
  • Adds 7 Block.png Block

Dual wield the dual shield!
3 Forge.png
Emperor Bracelet
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Weapons in this row get +16 Attack.png Damage

When your turn ends,
  • Weapons in this row and column get -50% bonus Attack.png Damage this combat

On take Attack.png Damage,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Envenomed Iklwa
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Adds 1 Status Poison.png Poison to enemy
  • Multiplies Status Poison.png Poison to enemy by 100%
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

4 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Deals 10 Attack.png Damage
  • Gain 30 Gold.png Gold

2 Forge.png
Eye of the Beholder.png
Eye of the Beholder
Card Type Wand.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 2.png

Projectile Icon.pngConductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 1 Status Slow.png Slow to all enemies
  • Adds 1 Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies
  • Adds 1 Status Poison.png Poison to all enemies
  • Adds 1 Status Weak.png Weak to all enemies
  • Adds 1 Status Freeze.png Freeze to all enemies

2 Forge.png
Eyes on the Inside.png
Eyes on the Inside
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Conductive Icon.png

When Mana.png Mana flows through,

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 18 Attack.png Damage

When another item is used,
  • -4 Attack.png Damage this combat

2 Forge.png
Fleeing Banner.png
Fleeing Banner
Card Type Structure.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Float Icon.png

For each adjacent or diagonal structure,

  • +0.25 to Status Dodge.png Dodge

Each combat,
  • Adds 0 Status Dodge.png Dodge

Fluffy Coat.png
Fluffy Coat
Card Type Clothing.png

Card Type Armor.png
Rare Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • Adds 4 Block.png Block
  • All pets heal 1 HP.png HP

1 Forge.png
Foam Finger.png
Foam Finger
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
Finger Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • Adjacent pets and weapons above deal +2 Attack.png Damage

Fool Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage
  • The above (Directional) cleaver is used
  • +3 Energy.png Energy cost this combat (does not stack)

Arcane Cleaver
Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

1 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 4 Attack.png Damage

When a weapon is used,
  • +4 Attack.png Damage this turn

3 Forge.png
Frozen Staff.png
Frozen Staff
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png
Rare Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 2 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy
  • Adds 2 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network

Card Type Clothing.png

Card Type Armor.png
Rare Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each adjacent armor,

  • +1 Block.png Block on scratch

Each turn,
  • Adds 6 Block.png Block

On scratch,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

Giant Boomerang
Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Projectile Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 22 Attack.png Damage

On kill,
  • Adds 2 Energy.png Energy

3 Forge.png
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Weapons diagonal to this get this affect applied:

  • On kill, this item gets +100% bonus Attack.png Damage this turn

Gravy Boat.png
Gravy Boat
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • Consumables adjacent and played over this get +3 HP.png HP

Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
2x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Adds 30 Block.png Block

4 Forge.png
Card Type Helmet.png

Card Type Armor.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

If this is not in the top row,

  • Item is Disabled.png Disabled

Each turn,
  • Adds 2 Block.png Block

On scratch,
  • Adds 2 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Card Type Shield.png

Card Type Helmet.png

Card Type Armor.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

If this is not in the top row,

  • Disabled.png Disabled

On use,
  • Adds 5 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 4 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Hermit Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Gold Cost 3.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage
  • Uses the first cleaver this is pointed at

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

  • Creates Bottled Honey
  • Creates Sticky Honey
  • Adds 2 Status Slow.png Slow to self
  • +1 to the Energy.png Energy cost for this turn

Horned Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Adds 10 Block.png Block
  • This item gets +2 Status Rage.png Rage this turn

When attacked,
  • Adds 0 Status Rage.png Rage to self

They scratched it! I'm gonna make them pay!

3 Forge.png
Hot Oil Pot.png
Hot Oil Pot
Card Type Structure.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

For each structure below, this item gets,

  • +0.5 to Status Burn.png Burn

When attacked,
  • Adds 1 Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Hover Boots.png
Hover Boots
Card Type Footwear.png

Card Type Armor.png
Rare Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Float Icon.png

For each space above this,

  • This item gets +0.5 Status Haste.png Haste

Each turn,
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block
  • Adds 0 Status Haste.png Haste to self

2 Forge.png
Ice Gem
Card Type Gem.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Adjacent weapons this points at get +1 Status Freeze.png Freeze

Jade Necklace
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

When an adjacent item kills a non-summon enemy,

  • 1 Gold.png Gold

Judgement Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 1 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy
  • Deals 1 Attack.png Damage

Arcane Cleaver

2 Forge.png
Justice Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Special Icon.png

  • Cleavers in this row and column are Disabled.png Disabled

On use,
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage
  • Cleavers along a diagonal line are used

Arcane Cleaver

2 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Rare Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Pierce Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage

3 Forge.png
Leaf Pouch
Card Type Consumable.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Adds 1 Energy.png Energy

Left Thunder Glove
Card Type Glove.png

Card Type Armor.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each space to the right,

  • +0.25 Block.png Block

When attacked,

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

3 Forge.png
Living Brick.png
Living Brick
Card Type Structure.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Projectile Icon.pngHeavy Icon.png

For each adjacent structure,

  • +1 Attack.png Damage
  • +1 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block
  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

An unholy amalgamation. An unstoppable force and an immovable object fused into one. Dangerously agressive

1 Forge.png
Living Carpet.png
Living Carpet
Card Type Structure.png
Rare Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Projectile Icon.pngHeavy Icon.png

For each empty space above,

  • Structures above get +0.5 Block.png Block

Touch the grass they said. It won't bite, they said. They lied; it is very aggressive. Touch grass

1 Forge.png
Loan Bank
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Creates a Loan Shark

Magic Newspaper.png
Magic Newspaper
Card Type Treat.png

Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Book.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • Conductive
  • -1 Block.png Block

Pet gains: On use,
  • Adds 1 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

Magical Deck of Cleavers
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

Magician Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Mana Cost 3.png

Special Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage
  • The cleaver above (Directional) gets used

Arcane Cleaver

1 Forge.png
Mask Shield
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each helmet in this row,

  • +1 Block.png Block

On use,
  • Adds 6 Block.png Block

3 Forge.png
Miner Wand.png
Miner Wand
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png
Rare Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 2.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Creates an Ethereal Gem

Morning Star
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage
  • Removes 50% Block.png Block from enemy

2 Forge.png
Moth Pin
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Weapons diagonal to this get +8 Attack.png Damage

When your turn ends,
  • Weapons diagonal to this get -25% bonus Attack.png Damage this combat

On take Attack.png Damage,
  • Weapons diagonal to this get -10% bonus Attack.png Damage this combat

Mystery Block.png
Mystery Block
Card Type Structure.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Heavy Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

For each adjacent structure,
  • +1 Gold.png Gold

On use,
  • 0 Gold.png Gold

1 Forge.png
Oni Spear
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Rare Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 11 Attack.png Damage
  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

3 Forge.png
Peppercorn Ring
Card Type Ring.png

Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Carving.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On summon,

  • Adds 2 Status Rage.png Rage to self
  • +50% Status Rage.png Rage to self
  • This carving is discarded

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

1 Forge.png
Peppershot Wand.png
Peppershot Wand
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Carving.png
Rare Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png
Mana Cost 3.png

Projectile Icon.pngConductive Icon.png

  • -50% bonus Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
  • Adds 1 Status Rage.png Rage to self

2 Forge.png
Predator Blade
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

On first use (this combat),

On first use (this combat),
  • +7 Attack.png Damage this combat

2 Forge.png
Promotional Plushie
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each combat,

  • Adds 1 max HP.png HP
  • Hurts! Deals 5 Attack.png Damage to self

Right Thunder Glove
Card Type Glove.png

Card Type Armor.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each space to the left,

  • +0.25 Block.png Block

When attacked,

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

3 Forge.png
Rook Shield.png
Rook Shield
Card Type Structure.png

Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Heavy Icon.png

For each adjacent structure,

  • +1 Block.png Block

On use,
  • Adds 5 Block.png Block

2 Forge.png
Card Type Shield.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each adjacent melee item,

  • +2 Block.png Block

On use,
  • Adds 5 Block.png Block

2 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 30 times each turn
  • -50% bonus Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

1 Forge.png
Slick Dagger
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

On use,
  • Creates a random Oil an adjacent or diagonal space
  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage

3 Forge.png
Snowman Hammer
Card Type Hammer.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn
  • Hammers 2 spaces away get +1 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 1 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy

2 Forge.png
Spiral Horn Wand.png
Spiral Horn Wand
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.pngProjectile Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 10 Attack.png Damage
  • -2 Attack.png Damage this combat

On take Attack.png Damage,
  • +5 Attack.png Damage this combat

2 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 1 Status Poison.png Poison to enemy
  • Increase Status Poison.png Poison on an enemy by 25%
  • +1 to the Energy.png Energy cost for this turn

1 Forge.png
Strange Dagger
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Rare Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 22 Attack.png Damage

When anything is used,
  • -2 Attack.png Damage this combat

3 Forge.png
Strength Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Rare Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 12 Attack.png Damage

Arcane Cleaver

2 Forge.png
Tower Cleaver.png
Tower Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png

Card Type Structure.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Special Icon.pngHeavy Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage
  • Cleavers in this column are used

Arcane Cleaver

2 Forge.png
Uwa-Obi Belt
Card Type Accessory.png
Rare Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

When an adjacent shuriken is used,

  • +3 Attack.png Damage to adjacent shurikens this turn

Wand of Storms.png
Wand of Storms
Card Type Magic.png

Card Type Wand.png
Rare Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 2.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

Card Type Bow.png
Rare Tag.png
Boomerang Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each empty space along a diagonal line,

  • The first arrows to the right (Directional) get +1 Attack.png Damage

For each empty space along a diagonal line,
  • The first arrows above (Directional) get +1 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Fires the first arrow in each row to the right (Directional)
  • Fires the first arrow in each column above (Directional)

2 Forge.png
World Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Special Icon.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Deals 8 Attack.png Damage
  • Use all cleavers

Arcane Cleaver

3 Forge.png
Yarn Bomb.png
Yarn Bomb
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Rare Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • +150% Attack.png Damage

Pet gains: On use,
  • Dies


Sprite Name Type Rarity Size Cost Stats
Alchemist's Wand
Card Type Wand.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
Wand Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

For each connected potion,

On use:
  • Adds 1 Status Poison.png Poison to enemy
  • Adds 1 Status Burn.png Burn to enemy

3 Forge.png
Amalgamated Buckler.png
Amalgamated Buckler
Card Type Shield.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Adds 6 Block.png Block
  • Shields to the left (Directional) are used
  • Shields to the left (Directional) are used

On take Attack.png Damage,
  • Adds 6 Block.png Block

When this item is used,
  • This item's effects are triggered twice

Status Exhaust.png I don't even know what's going on with this one. There could be a bug with it and nobody would realize. Sona out. Status Exhaust.png
3 Forge.png
Card Type Gem.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For every accessory above,

  • Adds 6 Block.png Block
  • Shields in this row or in this column get +2 Block.png Block

For every accessory below,
  • Weapons in this row or in this column get +2 Attack.png Damage

Arrow Point.png
Arrow Point
Card Type Arrow.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

On use,

  • Adjacent weapon to the right (Directional) is used

Bag of Dice.png
Bag of Dice
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

When combat ends,

  • Create a dice

Card Type Instrument.png
Legendary Tag.png
Press Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each empty space in another pocket,

  • +0.75 to Status Charm.png Charm

For each empty space in this pocket,
  • +1.5 to Status Charm.png Charm

On use,
  • Adds 2 Status Charm.png Charm to enemy
  • Adds 1 Status Charm.png Charm to all enemies

3 Forge.png
Basket of Garlic Bread.png
Basket of Garlic Bread
Card Type Consumable.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • 3 uses

When Bomb.png Destroyed,
  • Replace this with an Empty Basket

On use,
  • Adds 3 Status Regen.png Regen to self
  • Adds 1 Energy.png Energy

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

Bass Chalice.png
Bass Chalice
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • +0 Energy.png Energy

If an adjacent or diagonal fish has been used,
  • +1 Energy.png Energy this combat

Battle Axe.png
Battle Axe
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

  • Can be used 1 time each turn

If you have any armor,
  • -34 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 45 Attack.png Damage

4 Forge.png
Card Type Gem.png

Card Type Helmet.png

Card Type Armor.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • Closest weapon below get +5 Attack.png Damage

If this is not in the top row,
  • Closest weapon below get -5 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Blaze of Glory.png
Blaze of Glory
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Legendary Tag.png
Glory Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 9 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 10 Status Burn.png Burn to enemy

When an item kills an enemy,
  • Multiplies Status Burn.png Burn to all enemies by 100%

4 Forge.png
Book Mimic
Card Type Book.png

Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Mana Cost 1.png

Special Icon.pngConductive Icon.png

  • 2 uses

On use,
  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage

Cleaver Premium Pack
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

Cleric Hood.png
Cleric Hood
Card Type Helmet.png

Card Type Armor.png

Card Type Manastone.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • This manastone has a capacity of 7 Mana.png Mana

If this is not in the top row,
  • This item is Disabled.png Disabled

Each turn,
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block

Coffee Beans
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • Adds 3 Energy.png Energy

When your turn ends,
  • This item gets -1 Energy.png Energy this combat

Card Type Instrument.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 3.png

On use,

  • Adds 21 Status Charm.png Charm to enemy

3 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Each turn,

  • Creates an empty cup in an adjacent empty space above (Directional)

On use,
  • Creates an empty cup in an adjacent empty space above (Directional)
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

3 Forge.png
Devil Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 1 Status Rage.png Rage to self
  • Deals 1 Attack.png Damage

Arcane Cleaver

3 Forge.png
Empty Basket.png
Empty Basket
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
Gold Cost 5.png

Special Icon.png

On use,

Faux Diamond.png
Faux Diamond
Card Type Accessory.png

Card Type Treat.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Pet gains:

  • Adjacent and diagonal weapons get +2 Attack.png Damage

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x4 Shape.png
Energy Cost 3.png

  • Can be used 1 time each combat

On use,
  • Deals 350 Attack.png Damage


6 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
Flail Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 14 Attack.png Damage

On take damage,
  • +7 Attack.png Damage this combat

3 Forge.png
Fractal Sword
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

  • +150% bonus Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 2 Attack.png Damage

2 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 16 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 3 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy
  • Adds 2 Status Freeze.png Freeze to all enemies

4 Forge.png
Heavy Token
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.png

For each space below,

  • Gets +0.5 Energy.png Energy

Each turn,
  • Adds 0 Energy.png Energy

Heirophant Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.png

  • Adjacent cleavers get +1 Energy.png Energy cost

Adjacent cleavers get this effect applied:
  • On use, all adjacent cleavers are used

On use,
  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage

Arcane Cleaver
1 Forge.png
Ice Axe
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 2 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy

3 Forge.png
Iron Maiden
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x3 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • Lose 3 HP.png HP
  • Adds 35 Block.png Block

Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Consumable.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • 3 uses

On use,
  • Deals 9 Attack.png Damage
  • Heals 2 HP.png HP

On kill (non-summon),
  • Regain uses

When out of uses,
  • Bomb.png Destroyed

3 Forge.png
Card Type Key.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 13 Attack.png Damage

When a key is Bomb.png Destroyed,
  • Permanent +1 Attack.png Damage

Each turn,
  • Keys adjacent to this are Bomb.png Destroyed

4 Forge.png
Knockout Arrow
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Arrow.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Projectile Icon.png

For each empty space to the right (Directional),

  • +1 Attack.png Damage
  • This item gets +0.5 to Status Weak.png Weak

On use,
  • Deals 3 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 1 Status Weak.png Weak to enemy

1 Forge.png
Liquid Blade
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Shield.png

Card Type Melee.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

For each space to the right,

  • +1.5 Block.png Block

For each space to the left,
  • +1.5 Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 1 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block

3 Forge.png
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

  • +25% bonus Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 10 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 3 Status Burn.png Burn to enemy
  • Adds 1 Status Rage.png Rage to all enemies

2 Forge.png
Living Manastone.png
Living Manastone
Card Type Structure.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Heavy Icon.pngConductive Icon.pngProjectile Icon.png

For each adjacent structure or manastone,

  • +1 Attack.png Damage

For each connected manastone,
  • +0.5 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Deals 0 Attack.png Damage to all enemies
  • Adds 0 Block.png Block

1 Forge.png
Lock Bow.png
Lock Bow
Card Type Bow.png

Card Type Key.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Projectile Icon.png

  • Keys to the right (Directional) get +3 Attack.png Damage
  • Weapons to the right (Directional) get -5 Attack.png Damage
  • Keys to the right (Directional) get projectile

On use,
  • Keys to the right (Directional) are used

2 Forge.png
Lunar Scale
Card Type Shield.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Adds 8 Block.png Block
  • Adds 0 Status Haste.png Haste to self
  • -1 Status Haste.png Haste this turn

When an adjacent weapon is used,

Beautiful and elegant, yet intimidating and powerful

3 Forge.png
Meteor Rod.png
Meteor Rod
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Wand.png
Legendary Tag.png
Rod Shape.png

Conductive Icon.pngProjectile Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 15 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 25 Status Burn.png Burn to enemy

4 Forge.png
Mystical Deck of Cleavers
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 0.png

On use,

Monarch's Blade
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

On use,

  • Deals 8 Attack.png Damage
  • Weapons adjacent to this or diagonal to this get +25% bonus Attack.png Damage this turn

When an adjacent or diagonal weapon is used,
  • Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn

3 Forge.png
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x4 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Pierce Icon.png

On use,

  • Deals 9 Attack.png Damage

On kill,
  • Adds 1 Status Dodge.png Dodge to self

4 Forge.png
Parting Gift
Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

On death,

  • Deals 25 Attack.png Damage to all enemies

On kill,
  • Heals 5 HP.png HP

I'm not done yet!

Priestess Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.png

  • Diagonal cleavers get +1 Energy.png Energy cost

Diagonal cleavers get this effect applied:
  • On use, all diagonal cleavers are used

On use,
  • Deals 5 Attack.png Damage

Arcane Cleaver
1 Forge.png
Seven Branch Sword
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 7 Attack.png Damage 7 times
  • Disabled.png Disabled for 7 turns

Status Exhaust.png Oh no! There's a bug with this item, and it may not act or appear correctly in-game. Status Exhaust.png

2 Forge.png
Star of Midnight
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
Star Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 15 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 5 Status Freeze.png Freeze to enemy

On kill,
  • Adds 1 Status Sleep.png Sleep to all enemies

4 Forge.png
Suspicious Book
Card Type Book.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Conductive Icon.png

On use,

  • Adds 3 Mana.png Mana to connected Mana.png Mana network

And maybe a little bit more

Sword of the Hero
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png

  • Permanent +600% Attack.png Damage

On use,
  • Deals 8 Attack.png Damage

When an adjacent item is used,
  • Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turns

5 Forge.png
Temperance Cleaver
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Cleaver.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
Energy Cost 1.png

Special Icon.png

Weapons above (Directional) get this effect applied:

  • On use, Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turns

On use,
  • Deals 6 Attack.png Damage
  • The adjacent weapon above (Directional) is used

Arcane Cleaver

2 Forge.png
Time Cutter
Card Type Weapon.png

Card Type Melee.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x3 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 17 Attack.png Damage

On kill,
  • Items adjacent to this reset their total uses

Always running out.

5 Forge.png
White Candle
Card Type Carving.png

Card Type Accessory.png
Legendary Tag.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png
Energy Cost 0.png

  • Can be played over other items

On summon,
  • Bomb.png Destroy items here and in adjacent spaces
  • This carving is discarded

The thing we need is less things to need. Achieving greatness first requires wiping the slate clean.

Wrecking Ball.png
Wrecking Ball
Card Type Melee.png

Card Type Weapon.png
Legendary Tag.png
2x2 Shape.png
Energy Cost 2.png

On use,

  • Deals 12 Attack.png Damage
  • Adds 1 Status Weak.png Weak to enemy
  • Adds 1 Status Slow.png Slow to enemy
  • Bomb.png Destroy adjacent structures

When an adjacent structure is Bomb.png Destroyed,
  • Permanent +2 Attack.png Damage

A tool used to destroy these dungeons, now in a hero's hands.

3 Forge.png


Relics currently can only be obtained only with cheats or the items trader because of a bug with modded relics

Sprite Name Type Size Cost Stats
Artificial Ego.png
Artificial Ego
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

For each component in your backpack,

  • +1 Block.png Block

Each turn,
  • Adds 1 Block.png Block

Combo Glove.png
Combo Glove
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

On kill (non summon),

  • Gain 1 Energy.png Energy
  • Heal 2 HP.png HP to self
  • Adds 2 Status Rage.png Rage to self

On kill,
  • Gain 1 Energy.png Energy
  • Adds 2 Status Rage.png Rage to self

Each Combat,
  • Adds 5 Status Rage.png Rage to all enemies

Creative Juice.png
Creative Juice
Card Type Relic.png
1x2 Shape.png
No Cost.png

When a Carving is Summoned,

  • Draw a Carving

When a Carving is Discarded,
  • Banish it instead

Dead Eye.png
Dead Eye
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • All weapons get +100% bonus Attack.png Damage

Each turn,
  • Removes 1 Energy.png Energy

Defender Idol.png
Defender Idol
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

All Shields get these effects applied:

  • For each adjacent and diagonal shield: +3 Attack.png Damage to enemy
  • If a weapon is present: -100% Attack.png Damage

Kinetic Cradle.png
Kinetic Cradle
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

  • All items get +200% bonus Status Burn.png Burn
  • All items get +200% bonus Status Poison.png Poison
  • All items get +200% bonus Status Weak.png Weak
  • All items get +200% bonus Status Slow.png Slow

All items get this effect applied:
  • On use, Disabled.png Disabled for 1 turn

Infuriating Stone.png
Infuriating Stone
Card Type Relic.png
1x1 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • Sets Status Rage.png Rage to 4

Stoic Statuette.png
Stoic Statuette
Card Type Relic.png
1x3 Shape.png
No Cost.png

Each turn,

  • -50% Status Poison.png Poison from self
  • -50% Status Burn.png Burn from self
  • -50% Status Weak.png Weak from self
  • -50% Status Slow.png Slow from self